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12-26 保安员
  公司性质:外资企业企业类型: 商家/店铺所属行业:酒店、餐饮
  企业规模:500~2000人所在地区:宁德市 - 福鼎市隶属开发区/商场:无
2009年6月1日开业的福鼎金九龙大酒店地处闽浙边界新兴滨海城市——福鼎市,坐落于福鼎市桐南新城,北依汽车南站,南临福鼎火车站,距温州永强机场约70分钟,区域交通极其便利,是闽东首家集餐饮、住宿、会议、休闲为一体的五星级国际商务酒店,列为宁德市重点项目。 酒店占地40亩,建筑面积91609平方米,整体投资逾4亿元人民币,由知名设计师精心打造,整体风格彰显淡雅与品味,酒店后花园更是融入欧洲经典与中国现代园林风格,尽展大自然情怀。 酒店拥有各类商务客房450间/套,中餐厅、法式西餐厅、日本料理、韩国烧烤、咖啡厅等总餐位约1600个、豪华宴会厅及多功能国际会议厅可一次性容纳700人,配有红酒雪茄吧、大堂吧、白茶俱乐部、棋牌室、室内游泳馆、网球场、健身房、康乐中心等服务项目。 品味经典、享受生活,金九龙大酒店全体员工热忱欢迎您的光临。 Gold Kowloon Hotel is located to the Tongnan new areas of Fuding city which is in the boundary between Fujian Zhejiang province. It's Embraced by mountains rivers , has mild climate beautiful scenery. It's in the west bank of Tongjiang River in the south sight of the national scenery famous spot Taimu mountain range. Its west side south side faces city trunk highway that is facilitated transpot in township rural aeras has easy access to transportation facilities. The hotel covers 26666 square meters, the total building area is 91609 square meters, is designed as a stylish fashinable hotel , the rooms suits are decorated in a chic, magnificently yet warm manner. The hotel offers the facilities of serviced apartment, business guest room, shopping, recreation, entertainment, easten westen delicacies, business conference, it stands fthe pronoun of luxurious positioning as a platinum five-star international business hotel. This exclusive450room hotel features a unique Cantonese restaurant where guests can experience a fusion of flavors the East West, as well as escape mundane ordinariness at the most theatrical Chinese restaurant in town. The hotel also have a French cuisine , a Japanese cuisine, a cigar bar, a cafe, a lobby lounge, tea club, chess card room, indoswimming pool, the multi-function conference facilities which can accept 600 people in the meantime. Fully equipped health club spa facilities, with a wide range of treatments, will be available to help relax rejuvenate both body mind. Service is rooted one's heart.From living to food beverages, business to recreation, We all provide considerate hospitable services elaborately.
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